Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NaNoWriMo, Week One

If writing is like exercise and a skill that must be practiced, then I allowed myself to atrophy and weaken in the two months while I took a sabbatical from the whole business of conceiving novels.  The good news is that I was able to slip back into a familiar routine and push myself to craft and create and image.  In the first week of this project, I have written upwards of 14,000 words, and while I am not sure if this is a personal best, it does prove that I remember something about how to lay out my thoughts.  I’m sure it also helps that this is a sequel to the last novel I completed as well as a story idea that I rendered in my head, figuring and refiguring and wondering about constantly.  This novel feels like it’s headed somewhere, and I have plans to write another, unrelated one next month if everything pans out the way I hope.


  1. Are you doing the writing a certain number of words this month challenge? Maybe one day I'll try it but it won't be this year. I think 14000 words is a lot!

  2. I managed to pass the 50k word barrier in only fifteen days, but my goal all along has been to get at least 70k within the thirty days. I will admit that, when writing my first novel last year, 50k seemed like a very daunting goal. I've also written as much as 108k, and I have to say that longer novels are a nightmare to edit. It takes an incredible amount of discipline to write an entire novel without giving up, but I think you could do it :)
